Sunday, 9 March 2014

Red Light District

At the Viking Band House casting, I was told that if chosen, I'd have to be on call for a series of events in the upcoming weeks to promote soca artiste Bunji Garlin's concert- Red Light District.

And so said, so done... A few evenings well I had to rush after class straight to the studio for make up (done by the talented Nisha) then to various venues to promote. I met a lovely bunch of young ladies and this is the most fun I think I've ever had at promotions!

The venues included Tequila Twist on the Avenue, Synergy's Friday Night Live, Woodford Cafe and Zen to name a few. My favourite Red Light District promotion was a motorcade in a limousine on the avenue, hitting all the popular bars and hang-out spots! ...Who told them to open the sun roof? We had too much fun!

Red Light District Promotions for the Viking Band House were my most enjoyable so far for the year. Honestly, it didn't feel like I was working at all; felt like I was getting paid to lime! Haha

Be sure to check the following pages for updates:

1 comment:

  1. Your use of video on this blog really elevates the project. Keep up the good work.
