Monday, 10 March 2014

DLR Creations Photoshoot

In the midst of all the Carnival promotions, I managed to squeeze in a photo-shoot with the talented designer SpaceBoi De La Rosa.

No doubt I was sleep deprived from promotions the night before and earlier that day but had to press on for the shoot. Luckily I didn't have too far to drive. Make-up and wardrobe was at Trincity while the shoot was held at Eddie Hart Savannah.

I was familiar with the cast members so the shoot was fun and somehow comical.
I felt like a gangster in my outfit! LOL

For more of DLR's designs, check out the following pages:

Be sure to check the following pages for updates:

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Red Light District

At the Viking Band House casting, I was told that if chosen, I'd have to be on call for a series of events in the upcoming weeks to promote soca artiste Bunji Garlin's concert- Red Light District.

And so said, so done... A few evenings well I had to rush after class straight to the studio for make up (done by the talented Nisha) then to various venues to promote. I met a lovely bunch of young ladies and this is the most fun I think I've ever had at promotions!

The venues included Tequila Twist on the Avenue, Synergy's Friday Night Live, Woodford Cafe and Zen to name a few. My favourite Red Light District promotion was a motorcade in a limousine on the avenue, hitting all the popular bars and hang-out spots! ...Who told them to open the sun roof? We had too much fun!

Red Light District Promotions for the Viking Band House were my most enjoyable so far for the year. Honestly, it didn't feel like I was working at all; felt like I was getting paid to lime! Haha

Be sure to check the following pages for updates:

Promo Banton

From having sleepless nights, to getting pulled over by the police to falling asleep at events... Lol. If I wasn't documenting this, you guys would probably think I was making all of it up.

One of my crazy Carnival weekend schedules looked like this:

Cosmo All Inclusive

Hi Lo, St. Augustine

Xtra Foods, Arima

Wicked in White

Though I am an experienced promotional model, I still find myself learning more ways to improve... Since my schedule is so jam-packed for one day, I should have probably walked with my change of clothes on me- in the event that I got held back- like I did.

Thank goodness I had my driver's license on me! I had to drive to the driver's sister's home (coincidentally in St. Augutine) so she could take over the wheel from Hi Lo... and meet her brother at the police station.

I know what you guys are thinking-- So why didn't I drive from the beginning if the driver was drinking? But I was drunk with SLEEP and honestly the driver seemed okay enough to drive. I was surprised to find out that he was over the legal limit.

Thank goodness I have a caring sister, Shonelle, that knows I'm super busy and too tired to get behind the wheel. Shonelle drove us to town and hung around just so that my friend and I could have a safe ride to and from the venue. THAT is love! :)

I actually wasn't that sleepy at the first grocery but once I got home, I crashed :/ I felt like someone had beat me up and at the second grocery, I struggled to keep my eyelids open o_O 
At Wicked in White, because I was surrounded by loud music, performances on stage and a very energetic crowd, my sleepy-ness temporarily went away. However once the promotion was over, I cashed again :/

 Nisa caught me sleeping in the Tresemme caravan
while waiting for my sister to pick us up.

Be sure to check the following pages for updates: