Saturday, 8 February 2014

Fete After Fete After Fete

Well it's Canival season in sweet sweet T&T and for promotional models that means one thing- WORK!
This semester I'm doing 7 courses (yes I know, I'm crazy) and I must admit: it's sometimes challenging balancing my family life, school work and modeling.

Weekends are my busiest times... fete after fete after fete (literally lol.)
It's important though, that we as promotional models get sufficient rest. A lot of times I don't get enough sleep and I'm tired while driving. It's crazy on the roadways and even more so now since it's Carnival.
I was telling my friend that while driving home after promotions an afternoon I fell asleep at the traffic light. Could you imagine that the little time the light took to change from red to green, I dropped to sleep?! Sounds ridiculous right?

After talking to him, however, he warned me and gave me a story that one of his friends died because they fell asleep at the wheel. It really hit home when he spoke to me and I realized that this was dangerous not only for myself, but for other innocent drivers on the road as well.
Now, I feel as though I'm obligated to share some of the tips he taught me. I know it'll be beneficial to all drivers, especially those who usually have to drive while they're sleepy or tired.


1. Turn up the radio. Have it on FULL BLAST. Put the radio on your favourite station and sing along to the songs.

2. If this isn't working, and you feel as though you can drive no longer... PULL OVER! Pull aside on the shoulder for some time. You can even set your phone alarm to wake up at a specified time.

3. Drive to the nearest police station. If you have a long way till your destination, or feel unsafe pulling over in the area in which you are driving, head to the nearest police station. Inform the officers that you're parking your vehicle outside their station to sleep... Safest place to catch a snooze! :p  

Check out my video to see how busy my weekends can be!

Be sure to check the following pages for updates:


  1. hmmm....quite a hectic schedule. But you seem to be managing pretty well. Concerned about the lack of sleep and driving though

  2. Shonika, I'll tell you the same thing I told Brian: Video content should be displayed up top, front and centre, and large.

    That said, excellent! It really does feel like a glimpse behind the scenes, and I hope you share more of it with us in the future.

    But please...never record video while driving again. If you want to do it before you pull off or when you get to your destination, that's fine.

  3. my oh my...what a hectic schedule!

  4. Seven subjects, wow! You can really balance your time girl. Thumbs up! Like how you left some tips for the sleepy drivers.
